Our experience at Centerway Auto is that the suspension system is one of the most neglected systems on a car when it comes to routine maintenance. Most people are somewhat good at having there oil changed and brakes repaired as needed, but when it comes to their shocks, struts, bushings and wheel alignments, warning signals are ignored and eventually major parts fail causing more problems that could have been avoided with routine maintenance.

The suspension system is made up of numerous interconnected and independent parts. Different vehicles are manufactured with various types of suspension systems. Like any system in your care, your vehicles suspension system needs regular inspection and maintenance. Periodic wheel alignments can help by both, identifying potential suspension problems and alignments help keep the suspension system in good working order. Regular maintenance of your suspension system can mean smoother and more comfortable rides as well as saving you money in the long run. Most people do not know that having good suspension can also help you stop quicker and safer. Call us today for all of your suspension system repairs and maintenance at Centerway Auto.

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